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Signature EC Yishun | Documents Checklist

Guide to Documents for Application for Signature EC Yishun

To apply for Signature EC Yishun, you need to submit copies of supporting documents. These are listed below. HDB may also require you to provide additional documents subsequently.
If you’d like a shortcut instead of reading it, just call us at (+65) 9633 8633, or email us below. We’ll tell you the documents specific to your situation. In probably 5 minutes flat.

Signature EC Yishun Location

Proof of Identity / Citizenship

Main applicant for Ola EC must be a Singapore citizen. Family nucleus must include at least one other Singapore citizen, or a Singapore Permanent Resident.

Singapore Citizen Copy of Singapore Identity Card (copy both sides)
Singapore PR Copy of Singapore PR Identity Card (copy both sides)
Non Citizen Copy of Passport (Particulars Page)


Proof of Relationship / Marital Status

Fiance-Fiancee No document needed now, but submit Marriage Certificate at key collection
Parent-Child / Siblings Birth Certificates
Married Couple Marriage Certificate
Separated Deed of Separation / Petition for Divorce
Divorced Decree Nisi / Decree Nisi Absolute or Interim Judgement / Certificate of Making Interim Judgment Final & Order of Court / Divorce Certificate for Muslim Divorce
Widow / Orphan Death Certificate of Spouse / Parent’s Death Certificate & Marriage Certificate
Sole Parent with Child Order of Court / Custody Documents / Birth Certificates / Legal Adoption Papers
Joint Singles No document needed but both applicants must be over 35 years old


Proof of Income

Average gross monthly household income should not exceed $14,000.

If it exceeds $14,000, call or contact us for assistance to apply for the Sengkang Ola executive condo, assessable on a case by case basis.

Employed Person with Fixed Monthly Income Assessed based on average monthly gross income over last 3 months

Documents to submit:

  • Latest 3 months’ payslips i.e. month of application and preceding 2 months; or
  • Letter from employer (with company stamp/letterhead, and name, signature & designation of certifying officer) stating applicant’s full name & NRIC, and tabulating / certifying his/her Gross salary for the month of application and preceding 2 months


  • Notice of Assessment (NOA) from Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is not acceptable for employed persons
  • Bonuses do not form part of the assessment & will be excluded
Employed Person with Variable Monthly Income
Commission-based Person
Part-time Worker
Assessed based on average monthly gross income for past 12 months. Excludes income from overtime work, but includes allowances (fixed/variable) received on a regular basis (e.g. transport, phone, food, uniform, etc).

Documents to submit:

  • Latest 12 months payslips and/or commission statements; or
  • Letter from employer (with company stamp/letterhead, and name, signature & designation of certifying officer) stating applicant’s full name & NRIC, and tabulating / certifying his/her Gross salary for the past 12 months
Self-Employed Person Assessed based on average monthly gross income for previous 12 months.

Documents to submit:

  • Latest NOA (Notice of Assessment) from IRAS or Statement of Annual Accounts certified by an Audit Firm; and
  • Valid Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Computer Information (Business Profile) / Valid license of business/trade
Odd Job Worker Assessed based on average monthly gross income for past 12 months.

Documents to submit:

  • Latest NOA from IRAS; and
  • Previous year’s NOA from IRAS
Unemployed Person Proof of unemployment

  • Statutory Declaration* to declare the employment status; OR
  • Valid Student Pass


  • *Applicable to applicants and all occupiers between 18 to 62 years old who are unemployed.
  • If the applicants and/or occupiers are unemployed for fewer than 3 months, the average income will be computed based on number of actual months he/she has worked.

The Statutory Declaration may be executed at HDB Hub Sales Office, or at any HDB Branch Office. If you are not in Singapore, you can make the Statutory Declaration in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public in the country where you stay.

The Statutory Declaration should only be done when you buy a unit, so do it after booking your Ola EC Sengkang unit, preferably on the same day.

Types of Income Included

Examples of incomes that are included in the computation of household income when applying for Ola EC:

  • Earned Income
  • Pension
  • Stipend
  • Sustenance
  • Allowances (fixed or variable) received on a regular basis (eg. food, phone, transport, uniform, laundry, etc)

Types of Income Not Included

Examples of incomes not included in the computation of household income when applying for a unit at the showflat for Ola EC:

  • Rental income
  • Interest from fixed deposit/savings account
  • Alimony allowance (divorce cases)
  • Bonuses
  • Director fees
  • Scholarship overseas allowance
  • Income earned from overtime work
  • National Service Allowance

Source: HDB



If you would like help to assess your eligibility to buy a unit at Ola executive condo, or the documents required, or to be kept updated / register for showflat viewing, please email us here.

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Seaside Residences Price will be released at the balloting in March / April 2017 . New condominium launching at Siglap Link . Direct sale by developer Frasers Centrepoint Homes

Signature at Yishun EC | CPF Housing Grant

Guide to CPF Housing Grant Eligibility for the Signature at Yishun EC

The CPF Housing Grant is a housing subsidy (as CPF funds) provided by the Government. This grant assists eligible 1st-timers to buy a new EC, eg. at the Signature at Yishun EC.
Overwhelmed or confused by all the conditions? No worries – just call us at (+65) 9633 8633, or email us below, and we’ll simplify it for your specific situation.

Details of the CPF Housing Grant for ECs


Amount of Grant for the Signature at Yishun EC Buyers

EC Buyer with Average Gross Monthly Household Income up to $10,000.

SC / SC Household SC / SPR Household
CPF Housing Grant for Family $30,000 $20,000#
Half Housing Grant
(If you are a first-timer citizen & your spouse has previously taken a housing subsidy)

#If you are a Singapore Citizen (SC) married to a Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) (that is, an SC/SPR household), you can apply for the Citizen Top-Up Grant when your SPR family member gets Singapore Citizenship or when you have an SC child.

EC Buyer with Average Gross Monthly Household Income from $10,001 to $11,000

(For ECs launched for sale from 15 August 2011 onwards, such as the Signature at Yishun EC, 1st-timer households with monthly income between $10,001 to $11,000 may get a Housing Grant of $20,000.)

SC / SC Household SC / SPR Household
CPF Housing Grant for Family $20,000 $10,000#
Half Housing Grant
(If you are a first-timer citizen & your spouse has previously taken a housing subsidy)

#If you are from an SC/SPR household, you can apply for the Citizen Top-Up when your SPR family member takes up Singapore Citizenship or when you have an SC child.

EC Buyer with Average Gross Monthly Household Income from $11,001 to $12,000

(For ECs launched for sale from 15 August 2011 onwards, such as the Signature at Yishun EC, 1st-timer households with monthly income between $11,001 to $12,000 may get a Housing Grant of $10,000.)

SC / SC Household SC / SPR Household
CPF Housing Grant for Family $10,000 $0#
Half Housing Grant
(If you are a first-timer citizen & your spouse has previously taken a housing subsidy)

#If you are from an SC/SPR household, you can apply for the Citizen Top-Up when your SPR family member takes up Singapore Citizenship or when you have an SC child.
Read more on the Citizen Top-up (opens in new window).

Buyers with Average Gross Monthly Household Income above $12,000.

If your monthly household income is above $12,000, then the CPF Housing Grant does not apply.


Eligibility Conditions

Citizenship You must be a Singapore Citizen. Your family nucleus must comprise at least another Singapore Permanent Resident or Singapore Citizen.
Age 21 years old and above
Family Nucleus You are applying for the Signature at Yishun EC with your:

  • Spouse and children (if any), or
  • Fiancé/fiancée (must be able to produce your marriage certificate, latest by the date of key collection when the Signature at Yishun EC completes), or
  • Children under your legal custody, care and control (if widowed or divorced)
Household status You and the essential family members listed in the application for purchase of a unit at the Signature at Yishun EC must not:

  • Be the owners of a flat bought direct from HDB, a DBSS flat or an Executive Condominium bought with CPF Housing Grant from the developer
  • Have sold a flat bought direct from HDB, a DBSS flat or an Executive Condominium bought with CPF Housing Grant from the developer
  • Have received the CPF Housing Grant for the purchase of an HDB resale flat
  • Have taken other forms of housing subsidy (e.g. benefitted under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme, or privatisation of HUDC estate, etc)


How to Apply

You may apply for the CPF Housing Grant when you book a unit with the developer. You will be provided the form to apply for the grant, and the developer will submit this form with the rest of your application for the Signature at Yishun EC.


Can the Grant be Deferred?

Can 1st Timer Buyers ‘keep’ the CPF Housing Grant for purchase of the next BTO or EC instead?

  • No. The CPF Housing Grant cannot be kept for the next BTO / EC purchase. If you don’t use it for your first EC purchase, you will forfeit it.
  • Furthermore, even if you don’t take the grant this time, you will still be subject to the resale levy if you buy a BTO HDB flat or another new EC in future.
  • So if you are eligible, it makes good sense to take the CPF Housing Grant now. All the more since, as you advance in your career, your income is likely to increase, which could make you exceed the income ceiling for purchase of an EC in future.


Disbursement of Grant

The Grant is given only to the Singapore Citizen (not the SPR spouse).

Sole Applicant Full grant.
Joint Applicants (husband & wife) Half of the full grant each.
Joint applicants who are not husband & wife
(e.g. married siblings, parents & married child)
Grant given only to one eligible applicant per flat.

Disbursement of Top-Up Grant
The Top-Up Grant is given only to the Singapore Citizen spouse (not the Singapore Permanent Resident spouse) who is listed as an owner or applicant of the Signature at Yishun EC.


Use of Grant

The CPF Housing Grant will be credited to your CPF Ordinary Account & treated as part of your CPF fund. It can be used to pay for the 2nd part of the downpayment for the Signature at Yishun EC at the time of signing of the Sales & Purchase Agreement, after you have paid the cash payment (if applicable), or to reduce the mortgage loan.

The CPF Housing Grant will be included in the computation of the CPF withdrawal limit for your Signature at Yishun EC purchase.

Source: HDB



If you would like help on assessing your CPF Housing Grant Eligibility for the Signature at Yishun EC, or to register for showflat viewing or e-application or the CPF Grant itself, please email here.

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Signature EC at Yishun . Lifestyle & Amenities

Yishun, which has more than 250,000 residents, is no longer a boring ‘Ulu’ backwater.

In fact, it is actually enjoying a revival of sorts. New amenities, a mega mall, brand new healthcare centres, new residential projects, and a regional growth area (Seletar Regional Centre) with its promise of 10,000 new jobs and ensuing expat flow, are all in the works.


Signature EC at Yishun . Shopping & Dining Options

The mega mall 2km from the Signature EC at Yishun, is North Point City, a commercial and residential project that will be integrated with the existing Northpoint Shopping Centre.

Targeted to open in 2018, it will be the biggest mall in the north, with over 500 F&B, shopping and banking outlets. It will also house a community club, and be linked to an air-conditioned bus interchange and Yishun MRT station.

North Point City 2km from Signature EC at YishunNorth Point City 2km from Signature EC at Yishun

So strong is the draw of this development, that it sold over 50% of its private condo units at North Park Residences sitting atop North Point, within 2 weeks of its launch in April this year, at an average of $1,350 PSF.

Junction Nine in Yishun Avenue 9, a 99-year leasehold mixed development with retail units, will also open in 2017. Residents at the Signature EC at Yishun will be spoilt for shopping choices.


Signature EC at Yishun . Other Attractions

The greenery in the area – Seletar Reservoir, Yishun Pond, and the Orchid Country Club with its golf course – are also what draws buyers looking for a more tranquil lifestyle.

Like other well-developed residential estates, Yishun has several recreational options, cycling paths and fitness & exercise corners. In addition, it has scenic waterways & serene green parks.

Lower Seletar Reservoir opposite Signature EC at YishunSunrise at Lower Seletar Reservoir near Signature EC at Yishun

The Lower Seletar Reservoir was redeveloped at a cost of $10 million. It now has a multi-purpose stage, water play area, a 170m-long jetty-like bridge that extends across the waters of the reservoir, and a Rowers’ Bay for competitive rowing.

In a 2011 revamp, Yishun Pond unveiled floating wetlands, a three-storey lookout tower, and flower trails.

A new leisure park the size of 7 football fields, Orto, has opened recently, that has some of the old kampung charm of Singapore of the 1960s & 70s. Visitors can go prawning or fishing there, and it also has several eateries.

For the young, and young-at-heart, it offers more strenuous activities like paintball, futsal and trampoline.

A 15.5km cycling trail, due to complete end 2015, will connect major transport nodes, neighbourhood centres and parks.



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Another project that is very different from Signature at Yishun, has to be the Bukit Timah Pullman Residences. This project is by EL Development, who also developed Symphony Suites at Yishun, close to Signature. However, unlike those mass-market projects, Pullman Residences belongs to the luxury class.

For starters, it is a freehold project. It is also located close to Newton Circus. The very fact that it has a Bukit Timah address says a lot too. We are possibly looking at around $2,800 PSF for Pullman Residences. Which means that a one bedder here will likely cost more than even a 4 bedroom unit at Signature EC did.

The Pullman Residences showflat launch will likely be towards the end of this year 2019, or in early 2020. EL Development could probably decide to launch Pullman Hotel, before the Pullman Residences launch.